The level of success you achieve is 100% dependent on how well you team with others.
Most think that once you hit one million dollars you’ve accomplished success.
What people don’t see is what it took to get there.
Any fulfilled successful person will voice that they couldn’t have done it without their team.
It’s not a one man/woman doing it all. And if it is, guaranteed that they are not fulfilled.
Fulfillment is defined as a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction because you are happy with your life.
One million dollars doesn’t always mean you are fulfilled.
When you surround yourself with people that want to accomplish success, you have to make sure you align with what success means to them.
Success is a feeling.
NOT an objective to have or a place to be.
Success isn’t obtained overnight. It’s represented by an optimized daily experience that is sustainable over time.
What is YOUR purpose for why you are doing what you are doing?
Whatever that purpose means to you can be driven through tightly coordinated action.
But YOU are responsible of sustaining an optimized daily experience towards your purpose.
That includes your team, clients, owners, advisers and family.