Don’t be a product of your circumstances, be a product of your decisions.
The seasons that mold us to continue moving forward are the most impactful.
Those are the times that life will test you the most on your focus.
Accept that the little problems will always be there.
What gets you through the small problems is how much you believe in yourself to not allow them distract you.
That fire within you has to be kept lit. Whatever it takes.
You can’t avoid the negativity the world brings to your attention.
What you can control is how you react to it and how you treat others during the harder days. .
That is always your responsibility.
The way you respond through the good and the bad times.
Sometimes that allows people to also learn from you. Only if they choose to of course. Can’t make no one do what they don’t want to do or learn. But you can also learn from them how you do not want to be.
If it doesn’t benefit you, get rid of it.
You are the product of what you believe in.
It will push the wrong people away.
It will attract the right people your way.