The journey of the unknown is always going to be a rollercoaster of emotions.
Some days are great and you still can’t stop.
Some days are tough and you still can’t stop.
The days are meant to live as if you have it all, because in reality no one does.
Winners just happen to not give up and keep trying over and over again.
Same thing applies to everyone on whatever they are struggling with.
The past will always remind you of who not to be. So fix it.
The past didn’t happen for you to stop enjoying your present.
It happened to continuously evolve you into who you’re meant to be.
Consistency of growth mentally, physically and spiritually will help attract what is needed for your success.
Yes, it won’t happen overnight.
It’s a constant grind to be the best you can be.
The places you’ll go if you continuously invest in the best version of yourself every single day is the fun part of the unknown.
Enjoy the ride.